Tuesday, May 3, 2011

you act like you care.

I am really tired of people acting like they care about me. If you don't want to be my friend just step up and tell me. I am tired of acting like we are best buds. I have moved on with my life, if you don't want to be there that is fine. I have better friends, friends that actually treat me like I am a person. Have a wonderful life. I really mean that, I do. I cared more about you in our friendship than you ever seemed to care. I am tired of everyone just using me because they know I will do ANYTHING for them. The time is now and I have realized that I do not need anyone holding me back any longer.

Now that that is out of the way. It is summer. I have officially finished my first year of college. Thank goodness. I hope next year is way better than this year.

Anyway, this was just a little rant. Sorry for that.

I am getting off here.
Deuces I am out.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Texts That Make Me Smile From Alexander Continue.

I woke up to this text the other day.

Alexander- My dearest Kallie, Love, you said I am patient but not so. I need you here, and I feel so dead inside and lonely without you now. I am not kidding when I say we can't die until we meet. I could die any moment and leave you here alone. I can't actually let that happen, but thought eats away me away inside. I need you so much. Waiting is torture. I love you and I really can't wait to hold you in my arms. Love, Alexander.

Alexander- Oh, it's okay. I don't mind if you look gross. You're still beautiful.

I love this boy.

I have to study for finals now.
Deuces I'm out.
--Kallie Cassandra

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Texts That Make Me Smile From Alexander Continue.

Inbox is getting full again.

Sunday November 28, 2010
Alexander- And how lucky I am that you got up the courage to make me ask you out. :] If I hadn't, would you have asked me out?
Me- Probably
Alexander- Only Probably? Is asking a boy out so difficult?

Alexander- You know, I didn't appreciate you very much until we defined ourselves as lovers. That was when I really got to know you. It really was chance, Saying I love you the first time. What a ridiculous relationship we have. I love it so much!

Alexander - ... This is wonderful! Have you read the Little Prince? It's like the fox said: "If I know you come <...> then half hour before I shall be expecting you, and I will be happy." I know how that feels. : >

Alexander - I was just thinking about how you said you want a boy that will read with you, and I was just imagining us buying tow of every book, so we can read them together. And we'll lean over from our books and kiss, then talk about whatever the book is. Then when we're done, we'll put the books in out library of doubles. I think that is one of my favorite daydreams so far. : >

That is all for now. Oh yeah, Alexander is coming to visit on the third of December and I am super excited. I cannot wait. =]

Write more later.
Deuces I'm out.
--Kallie Cassandra.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Texts That Make Me Smile From Alexander.

I really want to make note of these because my inbox on my phone is getting full and I don't want to forget these.

Wednesday November 17, 2010 12:05am
Alexander- Gah. How I wish I was. (With me) I want to tell you something you might get offended by, or maybe you will find it weird, or cute. But... I gotta get it off my chest. K?

Me- Okay.

Alexander- Well... I am kind of a skinny boy. And you are kind of a big girl. But I imagine that will make hugging and cuddling more worthwhile. Like you have more to offer. I very much like it. : >

Me- You are so cute. =D I don't even know what to say to that. Hehe.

Alexander- Hehe any other girl would be offended. I even hesitated. Why I ever hesitated. I so love you. :D

Alexander- No, you are Kallie Cassandra Kahl and you are the awesomest girl I've ever even heard of. You've made me happy in way I didn't ever suspect of think possible.

I was saying that if I wasn't totally against the idea of marriage, I would have proposed to you tonight. It's like I've fallen in love with you all over again.

Well, that was how madly in love with you I was last night. Enough to propose... If I would ever want to.

No, no. Last night I became convinced to within a shadow of a doubt that we will spend our lives together.

Something. Haha. It's not like it went away. It's still here. I can't describe it too well. It's like this inseparable bond formed between us. I dunno what, but I absolutely love it.

I guess these really don't make sense if you don't know the full conversation. But I will always know what it was about and they will always make me smile. I love this boy. He is coming to see me for a weekend. December third. Counting down the days. 16 days. =]

Going to bed. Write more later.
Deuces I'm out.
--Kallie Cassandra.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kallie + Alex's Mega Awesome List of Magical Fun Time Events!!!

(Alex's idears)

1.) High five dramatically.
2.) Hug. (Also dramatically?)
3.) Kiss.
4.) Listen to ermazing music.
5.) Stargaze.
6.) Watch all those movies I haven't seen yet. LotR is first!
7.) Explore the wilderness.
8.) Act like total idiots in public. (No caring or shame aloud!)
9.) Sneak out in the middle of the night, with no destination in particular.
10.) Whatever Kallie wants to do.

(Kallie's Idears)

ONE) Color together.
TWO) Play with bubbles.
THREE) Turtle hunting. (I want a pet turtle named PETER PAN!)
FOUR) Just cuddle with you for hours.
FIVE) Go to the drive inn.
SIX) Talk to each other until we fall asleep in each others arms.
SEVEN) Have you tell me bed time stories.
EIGHT) Take photos with you while exploring the wilderness.
NINE) Hold your hand every chance I can get.
TEN) Anything with you will be amazing enough for me. =] I love you.

Gah, I love him so much! He completes my life.

I am working on homework and something for our two months which is only two days away.
Deuces I'm Out.
--Kallie Cassandra.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sitting in Bryan's Room. Andrew is here too!

I am so confused by him. I don't get it.

But it doesn't matter since I have Alexander!
And I love Alexander Hansen. He makes the happiest girl in the whole world.
He should be coming to see me on November fifth, but that's just a maybe.
In all my hoping, he should be here. Which makes me really happy.

I will type more later. I have no privacy.

Deuces I am out!
-Kallie Cassandra

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I don't know anymore.

Megan wants to spend some time apart. I know, she broke up with me.
But on the plus side I am a lot happier!
I have been hanging out with Christopher and David a lot, and I like it!
Also, Emily and Christina are like my BFFs I love them!!!
I have been feeling rather lonely lately though, I need someone to be there for me.
I feel like I am never going to find my soul mate.
I can't wait for college, but I am scared at the same time.

I am very confused at the moment.

I want to go find someone and just talk to them for hours and fall asleep in the grass.

Deuces I'm out.
--Kallie Cassandra